3E Accounting Founder Selected for Citizens’ Panel on Work-Life Harmony on 28 September 2019

3E Accounting Founder Selected for Citizens’ Panel on Work-Life HarmonyAnnounced by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr Heng Swee Keat in June 2019 as part of the Singapore Together movement where the Government partners Singaporeans to discuss and deliver solutions across a wide range of policy areas, the Citizens’ Panel on Work-Life Harmony is led by Manpower Minister Mrs Josephine Teo to help make starting families more achievable, enjoyable, and celebrated.

At the first session of the Citizens’ Panel on Work-Life Harmony on 28 September 2019, Minister Teo was joined by Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Education and Manpower, Ms Low Yen Ling, and Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Social and Family Development and Education, Assoc Prof Dr Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim. The Panel discussed about the current and desired states of work-life harmony in Singapore.


Promoting Work Life Harmony and Contribute to Our Community

3E Accounting Founder Selected for Citizens’ Panel on Work-Life Harmony3E Accounting Founder, Lawrence Chai, who was selected to join the Citizens’ Panel on Work-Life Harmony, shares his perspective, “I joined the Panel as I have a keen interest in promoting work life harmony and contribute to our community as a Singaporean. To me, a family-friendly culture not only benefits employees but the company as well. This is because a family-oriented culture helps to build a more stable and stronger organisation with greater staff trust and loyalty, and more motivated employees.”

The 55 members of the Panel were chosen from more than 300 members of the public who responded to the Government’s call to participate in the Citizens’ Panel. The Panel comprises members with diverse experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives, and includes employers and workers from different industries, and individuals with different marital status, and family responsibilities. Media friends from MediaCorp CNA, Channel 8, The Straits Times and Lianhe Zaobao were present and covered the event.

3E Accounting Founder Selected for Citizens’ Panel on Work-Life Harmony

The Citizens’ Panel represents a new way of involving the community in collective thinking and action. Panel members will have access to a wide range of information and subject-matter experts, and the time to deliberate on the issues at hand.

Six weeks of deliberation and collaboration culminated in the Panel presenting 17 recommendations on 9 November 2019 to community leaders, representatives from employer and employee groups, and political office holders – key stakeholders who could help to bring their proposals to fruition.

Citizens’ Panel on Work Life Harmony at Lifelong Learning Institute - 12 October 2019

Citizens’ Panel on Work Life Harmony – 12 Oct 2019

Citizens' Panel - The Journey

Citizens’ Panel – The Journey


Citizens’ Panel on Work Life Harmony at Lifelong Learning Institute – 9 November 2019

Citizens’ Panel on Work Life Harmony – 9 Nov 2019


To Citizen Joe - A Note From The Panel

To Citizen Joe – A Note From The Panel