News3E Accounting Engages Senior Minister Of State Mr Chee Hong Tat At Innovation Dialogue

3E Accounting Engages Senior Minister Of State Mr Chee Hong Tat At Innovation Dialogue

3E Accounting was invited by the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) to the Closed-Door Dialogue 3E Accounting was invited by the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) to the Closed-Door Dialogue with U SME advisor Senior Minister of State Mr Chee Hong Tat and NTUC Assistant Director-General Mr Yeo Guat Kwang on Innovation.
In his opening remarks, NTUC Assistant Director-General Mr Yeo Guat Kwang highlighted the importance of innovation to business survival. Mr Yeo shared his perspective on the choices facing business owners – to expand and grow, (开门), brace for hard times (守门), or close down (关门). Invited Guest Speaker, Mr John Cheng of Cheng Yew Candy Factory spoke about his transformation journey as he steered the traditional family business through process and product innovation.
Enterprise Singapore’s Mr Liang Qiao highlighted the value of promoting market-led innovation Enterprise Singapore’s Mr Liang Qiao highlighted the value of public-private partnership in promoting market-led innovation, citing Innovate 360, a Singapore Government Recognised Incubator and Startup SG Accredited Mentor Partner (AMP). Furthermore, 10 Centres of Innovation are ready to support SMEs to develop new and innovative products. T-Up offers grant support to provide SMEs’ access to seconded A*STAR research scientists and engineers for R&D projects.
Minister Chee and Mr Yeo took several questions from the audience on how companies could weather the upcoming global trade uncertainty, and emphasized the importance of upskilling workers to prepare for the future economy.
3E Accounting was privileged to engage Minister Chee to express our interest in Enterprise Singapore’s expertise in innovation 3E Accounting was privileged to engage Minister Chee to express our interest in Enterprise Singapore’s expertise in innovation as well as networks for growing the external economy as well as to learn more about Scale Up SG.