Lions Befrienders Senior Activity a ‘Roaring’ Success

3E Accounting Joins Forces with Lions Befrienders to Reach Out to Seniors

In May, 3E Accounting was fortunate enough to be part Lions Befrienders Senior activity as part of our corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.


The Purpose of the Activity

As part of its CSR, 3E Accounting was delighted we could collaborate with the team. The Lions Befrienders Senior activity was a roaring success. The 3E team were happy to have the opportunity to visit some of Singapore’s senior citizens and doing their part to care for the elderly.

3E Accounting is a firm believer in being a force for good. That is why we decided to partner with Lion Befrienders as part of our many CSR initiatives to give back to the community. We believe no senior should have to live alone in isolation, and if there was a way to do our part to make their lives better, 3E Accounting was eager to participate.

Singapore’s government aims to encourage active ageing among the community. Thus, there is a real need for community outreach programs. Research highlights that seniors enjoy their golden years more when they stay active and healthy in mind, body and spirit.

The Lions Befrienders Senior Activity Centre in May 2019 proved to be the perfect partnership. Both 3E and Lions Befrienders share similar values when it comes to giving back to the community. We believe in commitment and giving our best to those whose lives we touch. We believe in compassion, kindness and openness and this was an opportunity for the 3E team to show that.

This event enabled the 3E team to do our part for our senior community. With empathy, respect and leadership, the Lions Befrienders Senior activity was an enriching experience all around. The activities at the centre were well-received by both the 3E team and the seniors involved.

As for the 3E team, the opportunity to spend time with the elderly was an inspirational and fulfilling experience. The activities organised inculcated within us a sense of humility while building morale and teamwork. Being able to reach out as a volunteer allowed many of our team members to see that there were many ways to reach out to those in need. A simple act of kindness could, in fact, make a big difference in someone’s day.


About Lions Befrienders

Established in 1995, the Lions Befrienders is a Singapore-based Social Service Organisation. It was formed by both the Lions Clubs of Singapore and Lions District Project.

The organisation was formed with a mission to care for Singapore’s senior citizens through community participation. Companionship through community participation are some of its many initiatives to enrich the lives of the seniors.

Befrienders is an island-wide service. The organisation works hard to match seniors in danger of social isolation to our volunteer befrienders. Weekly friendship initiatives include home visits and an array of programmes offered at the centre.

For more information about 3E Accounting’s other CSR initiatives, visit our website by clicking here.