3E Accounting Cheque Donation Presentation to SAF Care Fund

3E Accounting Cheque Presentation to SAF Care Fund3E Accounting Founder Lawrence Chai has presented a cheque donation of $5,000 to the SAF Care Fund. The Fund provides additional financial support to SAF servicemen who are severely disabled due to military service and require long term care and support.

An active champion of NS work-life harmony, Lawrence has supported the Fund with corporate donations since 2016. Understanding that National Service and Total Defence form the cornerstone of Singapore’s continued stability and prosperity, 3E Accounting has put in place many pro-NS policies to support NSmen including:

  • Take into account Certificates of Service and Testimonials issued by SAF, SPF and SCDF in the recruitment and selection process
  • IPPT incentive 1-for-1 top-up with the company giving an additional $500 for Gold, $300 for Silver and $200 for Pass with Incentive monetary award
  • Additional leave entitlement for employees who have completed Full-time NS
  • Full day off-in-lieu for NSmen who serve ICT or are mobilised on the rest day and non-working day
  • Operationally Ready National Service (ORNS) completion reward

 The National-level Accreditation Scheme

3E Accounting was accredited with the NS Mark – the national-level accreditation scheme which recognises businesses and organisations with policies and human resource practices that support National Service and Total Defence.

Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Mikail Kalimuddin presented a hand-written card personally penned by the Chief of Defence Force, Lieutenant-General Melvyn Ong, Chairman of the SAF Care Fund Board to thank 3E Accounting for the support for National Service and Total Defence.